Practice useful words and phrases for introducing yourself and meeting people in Ukrainian with our podcasts — check out 10 audio lessons below!
Start with the basics
Would you like to know the difference between «Привіт» and «Добрий день»? Then it is high time to listen to the Ukrainian Lessons Podcast — a comprehensive 5-season audio course that will guide you through tricky Ukrainian vocabulary and grammar rules.

Begin with the easiest greetings with Episode 1, and be ready to use your knowledge in informal situations!
If you meet somebody at a formal occasion, Episode 2 will certainly be helpful. Become an expert in polite words and figure out the Ukrainian pronouns!
In case you find Ukrainian names impossible to pronounce, Episode 3 will eliminate your confusion and also teach you how to introduce yourself.
Get ready to meet Ukrainians
Whether you are volunteering or hosting Ukrainians, the knowledge of basic greetings and common expressions will be handy.
Consider 5 Minute Ukrainian — a podcast that focuses on conversations. Each episode contains dialogues at a natural and slow speed.

You can learn basic and creative ways to introduce yourself with Episode 21.
Are you willing to accommodate Ukrainian refugees? You will probably host families, so Episode 22 will enhance your knowledge with polite phrases appropriate for Ukrainian parents.
If you are searching for a full list of common Ukrainian greetings, then check out Episode 50.
At some point, saying goodbye will also be relevant — Episode 60 will teach you the words like «До побачення» and «Па-па».
Break the ice with your knowledge of Ukrainian
If you reached a higher level of proficiency, Season 3 of the Ukrainian Lessons Podcast will be a great choice for you!
Practice useful expressions and impress your conversation partner with grammar knowledge after Episode 81.
Enjoy free lesson notes — fill out the form to get your copy!
Will you live with a roommate from Ukraine? With Episode 83, not only will you learn helpful phrases, but also train your conjugation skills!
Hopefully, after listening to our podcasts, meeting people in Ukrainian will become much easier!
Are you motivated to learn more? Our ad-free blog has many articles about Ukrainian expressions with audio recordings.
Успіхів! — Good luck!
Have you already reached a higher level of proficiency in Ukrainian? Then check out Ukrainian YouTube channels, news outlets, and podcasts for fruitful learning.