How to Say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Ukrainian

Take a look at your busy calendar – is it time to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year yet? Today, I’d like to give you a list of ideas on how to greet your Ukrainian friends in their native language. Make yourself a warm mug of hot cocoa and let’s start!
When Is Ukrainian Christmas and Why

When is Ukrainian Christmas and why? What a strange question! All Christians celebrate Christmas on the same day! Or do they?Â
7 Strange and Common Ukrainian Superstitions

Here are 7 Ukrainian superstitions that you are likely to encounter in Ukraine (with interesting insights into Ukrainian culture)!
3 Ukrainian Dialects: History, Geography, and Examples

Every language is not spoken the same everywhere, and Ukrainian is no different. There are various Ukrainian dialects that are traditionally grouped into Northern, South-Western and South-Eastern Ukrainian dialects. Find out more about these three groups of dialects!
5 Ukrainian Customs You Should Know

Are you curious about Ukrainian customs? We narrowed down five unique thinks Ukrainians do and the reasons behind them.
Double Negatives or Double Negation in Ukrainian: 3 Main Rules

You know it is okay to be negative sometimes. But how do you do that in Ukrainian? Today you will learn three rules for negation in Ukrainian.
12 Popular Ukrainian Names and Their Meaning

Not only are they beautiful, but popular Ukrainian names also have a meaning. In this article, we are talking about the most common Ukrainian names and what they mean.Â
Euphony in Ukrainian: Using У vs В, І vs Й, З vs ЗІ vs ІЗ

Our language is very beautiful, and one of the reasons is euphony in Ukrainian. In this article, find out how to use У vs В, І vs Й, and З vs ЗІ vs ІЗ in Ukrainian.
Difference Between ТОМУ and ТОМУ ЩО in Ukrainian

Ukrainian conjunctions are tricky: take the difference between тому and тому що, for instance. Only one syllable might change your perfect sentence into nonsense. Fortunately, we can help you out!