Questions for Small Talk in Ukrainian (with Audio for Practice)

small talk in Ukrainian

“You may know your basic questions in Ukrainian, but imagine being at a party in Ukraine… What are you going to talk about?
Don’t worry. We’ve prepared a set of questions to break the ice – questions for small talk in Ukrainian ;)”

My Favorite Ukrainian Bands

Ukrainian bands

It’s not a secret that listening to songs is one of the most pleasant ways to learn another language. It works on so many different levels! First, it gives you some new words to learn. Second, you can see grammar rules in action. Third, singing along improves your pronunciation! And last but not least, it’s nice and easy 🙂 The only hard part may be finding a band that you will love. Here are my favorite ones!

Greetings in Ukrainian for Every Occasion (with Audio Recordings)

greetings in Ukrainian

Привіт! 🙂 Every Ukrainian language learner begins with greetings in Ukrainian. No doubt you’ll need them every day. Of course, you probably know quite a few by now, but today I’ll tell you a couple more. One can never know too much!