Ever find yourself in Ukraine, feeling under the weather, and unsure how to say that something hurts in Ukrainian? Whether it’s a headache, sore throat, or muscle pain, this quick guide will help you describe that in Ukrainian. It’s always good to be prepared!
Want to learn on the go? Listen to a common conversation between two people describing what hurts in Ukrainian in 5 Minute Ukrainian Ep. 53: How to Describe What Hurts in Ukrainian.
The core verb here is боліти ― use болить for singular body parts (like “head” or “stomach”) and болять for plural body parts (like “legs” or “teeth”).

For extra vocabulary on this topic and good practice in the context of a dialogue, listen to the Ukrainian Lessons Podcast episode #101: I Don’t Feel Good + Forming and Using Adverbs.
Now you’re ready to talk about any aches or pains in Ukrainian! Whether you’re dealing with a minor discomfort or just expanding your language skills, we hope this guide is helpful. Stay healthy!
Are you just starting to learn Ukrainian? Check out our Ukrainian Lessons Podcast! It’s a free series of audio lessons that take you step by step through your Ukrainian language journey!