Робочі зустрічі — work meetings in Ukrainian — are an intrinsic part of contemporary work culture. 

Learn the names of various business meetings in Ukrainian and become familiar with the Ukrainian work environment! 

Train your pronunciation skills repeating after the native speaker! 

робочі зустрічі — work meetings

ділова бесіда — business meeting

інтерв’ю  =
— interview

нарада — meeting

консультація — consultation

переговори — negotiations

звітування — reporting

Do you feel your self-introduction in Ukrainian needs improvement? Then listen to the Ukrainian Lessons Podcast & 5 Minute Ukrainian episodes:

FMU 1-21 | How to introduce yourself in Ukrainian

ULP 3-81 | Знайомство в літаку – Meeting on a plane in Ukrainian + Prefixes ви- and пере-

Learning Ukrainian and looking for great resources?Check out our 1000 most common words in Ukrainian with interactive flashcards.Also, you can learn Ukrainian step by step wherever you are with our free Ukrainian Lessons Podcast.