Let’s make Ukrainian language learning fun and inspiring for kids! Check out (and bookmark) our collection of digital materials in Ukrainian for kids!

Scroll down to see the best online platforms, websites with audio stories, libraries, apps, and Youtube channels ― all handpicked for children to enjoy learning the Ukrainian language!

Ukrainian Learning Platforms For Kids

Розвиток дитини (“Development of a child”) ― is a big library of practical tasks that develop a child’s language skills as well as logical thinking, memory, attention, etc. For example, you can download ready-made handwriting sheets (or generate your own) or tongue twisters with exercises.

dinolingo ― Ukrainian learning game-based app and website for children between 3 and 14 years old. Each lesson is presented as a unit that includes age-appropriate and engaging activities, videos, games, songs, tests, printable worksheets, flashcards, and more.

НУМО ― a website for children between 3 and 6 years old, developed by UNICEF and the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science. It includes four sections: 

  1. Kindergarten online ― a series of educational videos with preschool teachers.
  2. Skills ― tips, materials, and videos for developing such skills as emotional intelligence, communication, ecological consciousness, etc.)
  3. For parents ― interactive tests and materials for parents and educators working with preschoolers at home.
  4. For preschool teachers ― knowledge library for educators.

learning.ua ― Ukrainian language animated exercises according to the topics of Ukrainian preschool and school curriculum. For children from 3 years old.

Ukrainian Audio Stories & Books For Kids

Казковий світ ― audio library with modern Ukrainian and classical international fairy tales that can be sorted by age (6-9 or 9-12) and tags, such as “Emotions”, “Animals”, “Friendship”, “Adventure”, and more.

UA: КАЗКИ ― project from Ukrainian national radio ― audio stories for children recorded by famous Ukrainian musicians, like Andriy Khlyvniuk or Sasha Koltsova. You can listen to the stories as radio or browse their list.

Наша казка ― library with Ukrainian folk fairy tales (texts and sometimes audio). There is a general list and three sections by region of origin: Поділля (Middle West), Подніпров’я (Middle North), and Полтавщина (Middle East).

Olga Veresen ― library of author’s fairy tales (in text format) and illustrations. You can read a fairy tale either in the PDF player as an illustrated e-book or on a separate webpage.

Mamino ― library with fairy tales and books by Ukrainian and international authors. All books are accompanied by modern illustrations and are available for viewing as PDF documents on Google Drive. There are books for both toddlers and older children from two popular Ukrainian publishing houses. For example, the picture book “Feed Me” by Mamino or the fairy tale “UFO in the Village” by BaraBooka.

BARABOOKA ― library of modern Ukrainian books for children between 3 and 11 years old, divided by age and tagged by genre (story, tale, etc.) and theme (love, family, friendship, etc.).

Ukrainian Apps For Kids

ЙОЙ (Android) (iOS) ― a language game for primary school students that is designed to motivate children to learn Ukrainian.

Мишеняткова абетка (iOS only) ― application for learning the Ukrainian alphabet and writing letters correctly in the form of a game divided into three levels: collecting toys that move and make sounds, recognition of the correct letter in relation to the toy, and making words from letters in different ways. The child can not only learn the letters but also get acquainted with various objects and learn about the sounds made by various living and non-living creatures. 

Всяка Музяка (iOS only) ― musical karaoke application for children between 3 and 6 years old with famous Ukrainian folk songs in modern arrangement. Each song is a mini-game that has its own Achievement Board with tasks to be completed, as well as charismatic heroes, many interesting animations, and hidden elements to be found. 

Хто у горах? (iOS only) ― application for children between 1 and 3 years old. It simulates a trip to the mountains, where grandfather Ivan helps children study animals, their names, and voices, and learn numbers. 

Веселі тварини (iOS only) ― application for learning names, voices, and features of 30 animal species in the form of a game. It is divided into four sections: “On the lawn,” “In Africa,” “On the farm,” and “At the North and South Poles.

Ukrainian Youtube Channels For Kids

Янко Гортало – Цікавинки для дітей ― an educational and entertainment channel with songs, poems, cartoons, etc. There are animated videos for learning the alphabet, words, numbers, as well as gaining knowledge about the surrounding world or just entertainment. For example, there is a video about planets of the solar system or the Ukrainian adaptation of a children’s song, Wheels on the Bus.

Ладоньки-Ладоньки – мультики українською мовою ― another Ukrainian channel with various types of educational videos and cartoons for children. There you will find animated videos for learning about animals and objects, the alphabet, and words and numbers. For example, check out the How animals talk video!

ПЕРШОСВІТ I анімаційний канал для дітей ― a channel with fun songs in Ukrainian and educational gamified cartoons. One of their most popular videos is a Ukrainian adaptation of Baby Shark.

Ukranimaua ― a complete collection of cartoons from Ukrainian cinema studios for children and adults. There are both old Soviet cartoons and modern Ukrainian ones.

Лепетуни ― a playlist of a cartoon series about a family of tongues and their adventures. The videos are short and animated. They can help a child learn simple words and phrases about the surrounding world.

З любов’ю до дітей ― a channel with bright videos with children’s songs. There are both short and long videos. Some of their songs are really addictive (like Вітамінка). There are also some popular videos with kids’ dance routines (like this one).


Are you looking for a nice list like that but for adults learning Ukrainian? Check out our post with 40+ Useful Ukrainian Language Resources!

Learning Ukrainian and looking for great resources? Check out our list of the 1000 most common words in Ukrainian with interactive flashcards. You can also learn Ukrainian step by step wherever you are with our free Ukrainian Lessons Podcast.