Today, we are going to learn the names of some electrical appliances used at home, that is, побутова технікаhousehold appliances in Ukrainian. There are велика побутова техніка (big household appliances) like холодильник and пральна машина, and мала побутова техніка (small household appliances) like праска and електрочайник.

Household appliances in Ukrainian – infographic

Below is a list of some common household appliances:

Household appliances in Ukrainian

Household appliances in Ukrainian – word list and audio

електрочайник – electric kettle

пилосос – vacuum cleaner

мікрохвильовка – microwave oven

пральна машина – washing machine

холодильник – fridge

кухонна плита – cooker

праска – iron

посудомийна машина – dishwasher

фен – hairdryer

You can shorten some of these words in the everyday speech:

пральна машина – пралька

посудомийна машина – посудомийка

електрочайник – чайник

кухонна плита – плита

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