Meet Ukrainian Pop Rock in our Songs section! Here is one of the most famous Ukrainian modern bands Антитіла – Antibody with their song TDME or Там, де ми є – Where We Are. Антитіла is very popular among Ukrainian teenagers, and you can listen to their songs on our radio stations quite often.

This band became famous in 2007 after participation in a popular Ukrainian TV show Караоке на майдані – Karaoke on Maidan (you can see how it looks like on Youtube), where every person can come and sing. The anchor chooses three people from the crowd, and they have a competition.

The frontman of the band Тарас Тополя (his name can be directly translated as Taras Poplar) won the show and gave his band an opportunity to rise.

TDME is a really famous song in Ukraine. It has even become a soundtrack to the Ukrainian TV series Школа – The School.

Антитіла — TDME (Antytila — TDME) — Video

Антитіла — TDME (Antytila — TDME) — Lyrics with translations

Тихо, тихо! Стоп, марафон.Hush, hush! Stop, marathon.
Ти прокидаєшся, це був лиш сон.You wake up, it was just a dream.
Немає фейкiв, лукавих слiв –There are no fakes, no wily words –
Чистий розум замiсть голiв.The pure mind instead of heads.
Хто малював на екранi фiльм,Who was drawing a movie on the screen?
Хто давав ролi i наносив грим;Who was giving the roles and putting on greasepaint?
Хто лише лялька, а хто Карабас –Who is just a puppet, and who’s Karabas*?
Зрозумiти саме час.It’s about time to get it right.
Ху-у-у-у… часом виє вітерSometimes the wind howls
I човен на воді гойдає.And swings a boat on the water.
Ху-у-у-у… нічого не бійся.Don’t be afraid of anything.
В кінці сценарію happy end –At the end of the scenario, there is a happy end.
Там, де ми є! Там, де ми є!Where we are! Where we are!
Там, де ми є! Там, де ми є!Where we are! Where we are!
На тій стороні екрану,On the other side of the screen,
На тій стороні є право.On that side, there is a right.
На тій стороні екрану,On the other side of the screen,
На тій стороні є право.On that side, there is a right.
Люби вільно, цілуй поволі.Love freely, kiss slowly.
Прощай швидко, або ніколи.Forgive fast or never.
Часу мало, маєш дійти.The time is running out, you have to come to an end.
Хочеш правди? Мусиш знайти.Do you want the truth? You have to find (it).
Люди далi прокидаються.People continue to wake up.
Люди далi не ховаються.People continue not to hide.
Нова глибина напроти нас –The new depth is in front of us –
Отакий цiкавий час.That’s kind of an interesting time.
Ху-у-у-у… часом виє вітерSometimes the wind howls
I човен на воді гойдає.And swings a boat on the water.
Ху-у-у-у… нічого не бійся.Don’t be afraid of anything.
В кінці сценарію happy end –At the end of the scenario, there is a happy end.
Там, де ми є! Там, де ми є!Where we are! Where we are!
Там, де ми є! Там, де ми є!Where we are! Where we are!
На тій стороні екрану,On the other side of the screen,
На тій стороні є право.On that side, there is a right.
На тій стороні екрану,On the other side of the screen,
На тій стороні є право.On that side, there is a right.

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