Would you like to learn about the Ukrainian business environment? Then check out посади в офісіjob positions in the office in Ukrainian.

Master your pronunciation repeating after the native speaker, and practice making some sentences!

посади в офісі — job positions in the office

директор — director, head

керівник =
начальник — executive

менеджер — manager

спеціаліст — expert

завідувач відділу — departmental head

асистент — assistant

заступник — deputy

співробітник — employee

❓ Would you like to boost your knowledge of Business Ukrainian?

Then listen to our Ukrainian Lessons Podcast and 5 Minute Ukrainian episodes:

ULP 1-08 | Jobs and professions in Ukrainian

FMU 1-31 | How to talk about your job/occupation in Ukrainian.

Learning Ukrainian and looking for great resources?Check our 1000 most common words in Ukrainian with interactive flashcards.Also, you can learn Ukrainian step by step wherever you are with our free Ukrainian Lessons Podcast.